An extremely rare early Dr Wall Worcester Creamboat of ‘The Silver Taste’, of flared hexagonal form with scalloped rim, moulded in crisp low relief with scrolled borders with stylised accanthus ornament enclosing panels of flowering prunus emanating from holed blue rocks and an insect in flight underneath the spout. The tau handle with scrolled rising thumb piece, the interior with further trailing sprays of stylised oriental flowers and leaves.
The shape corresponds no doubt to the ‘pannel’d ewers’ in the price list of the London Warehouse and is a shape taken in inspiration for the silver original through evolution in paste and glaze through Limehouse and Lund’s Bristol to this clean and spirited form. The bosses at the handles not only serve to further the association with the silver form but also serve to hide the seam line of the press mould. Imbued with both Chinese and Meissen flowers with a hint of stylised Kakiemon the motifs of this patternare interwoven to create an entirely fresh style to the chinoiserie appearance on this English silver form. The inclusions seen on the inside of this piece in the glaze are a sign of the very early date of this particular piece together with the fleeting ghost-like blue enamel. The interior stylised single florette in iron red and yellow with pencilled scrolls should be compared to the border decoration of the tops of the earliest hexagonal vases and to the prunus flowers of the many fluted teabowls and saucers decorated with Cranes and being of the earliest possible date in manufacture at Worcester.