A pair of Erfurt Pug Tureens and Covers, Circa: 1760
Rare Doccia Figures of Dwarfs, Circa: 1760
A rare pair of Nymphenburg Plates, Circa: 1755
Rare Mennecy Covered Cream Jug, Circa: 1740
A very rare Meissen Böttger stoneware model of an American Bald-headed Eagle, Circa 1924-33
A Pair of Faience Models of Seated Cats by Emile Galle., Circa 1895-1900
The Pair of Sèvres Vases Delafosse Fond Rose Given by the French State to Lucien Fugère, Circa 1885 & 1888
A very Large Meissen model of a Capercaillie, Circa 1880
Important And Rare Equestrian Statue Of François Ier (Sèvres hard-paste porcelain, dated 1842), Circa 1842
Pair Sèvres Biscuit models of Lions, Circa 1818-1820
Pair of Imperial Porcelain Manufactory 'Etruscan' Ice Cream Coolers, Circa 1804
An Extremely Rare and Life Like Paris Dihl and Guerhard Biscuit Porcelain Seated Infant Boy, Circa 1795
An amusing and rare Faience Goose tureen and cover, Circa 1780
An Italian Faience Trompe L’oeil Dish of Quinces, Circa 1770
Nevers (Burgundy) French Faience Trompe L’oeil Dish of Eggs, Circa 1770
A rare Italian Faience Trompe L’Oeil Bowl, Circa 1765-70
An extremely rare pair of Kloster-Veilsdorf Turkish Musicians, Circa 1764
Small Meissen gilt-metal mounted Tea Caddy and Cover, Circa 1760.
A Rare French Faience Trompe L’oeil Box and Cover, Circa 1760
A Very Rare Pair of Mennecy Miniature Musicians, Circa 1760
An Extremely Rare and Important Mennecy Teapot and Cover, Circa 1760
Pair of small Meissen Bird Plaques, Circa 1760
A Pair of Rare Meissen Teapots and Covers in the Form of a Cockerel and Hen, Circa 1758-60
A rare Sèvres biscuit model of La Baigneuse, Circa 1758
A very rare Northern European Fayence Turkey Cock Tureen and Cover, circa 1755-60
A Very Rare Alcora Faience Box and Cover Modelled as a Lion with Cub, Circa 1755-1800
A Mennecy Snuffbox with Paris Silver Mounts, Circa 1755, Mounts Circa 1756/62
A very rare Mennecy silver-mounted Lady's Patch or Snuffbox, Circa 1755
An extremely rare and highly unusual Doccia tureen formed as a Mullet, Circa 1755
An Extremely Rare Saint Omer Faience Boar Tureen and Cover, Circa 1751-1788
A Meissen figure of a Putto riding a Dolphin, Circa 1750.
`, An Extremely Rare Vienna Imperial Porcelain Manufactory Snuffbox and Cover, Circa 1750-1751
A Fine Large Meissen Foliate Dish Decorated with Birds and Insects , Circa 1750
A Fine Meissen Oval Dish Decorated with Birds and Insects, Circa 1750
A Rare Pair of Meissen South American Parrots Modelled by Johann Joachim Kaendler, Circa 1750
A Very Large and Fine Meissen Foliate Dish Decorated with Ducks and Insects, Circa 1750
, An extremely fine Meissen Leveret, Circa 1750
An extremely rare and highly important Pair of Hochst Fayence Seated Pug Dogs, Circa 1750
An extremely rare Italian Capodimonte Porcelain Box and Cover of Ogival or Acorn Form, Circa 1750
Fine Doccia Jug, Circa 1750
Mennecy Goat Herder / Peasant, Circa 1750
Pair of Mennecy Porcelain Figures of Goat, Circa 1750
Rare pair of large Meissen Spoons or Ladles, Circa 1750
An Extremely Rare and Important Vincennes Figural Group of the Shepherd’s Hour (L'Heure du Berger), Circa 1748-1752
Rare pair of Meissen Models of a Cock & Hen pheasants modelled by J.J. Kaendler , Circa 1745-55
An Extremely Rare and Highly Important Large Pair of Meissen Swans, Circa 1745-1750
Rare Early Vincennes Perfume Burner, Circa 1745-1748
A Fine and Rare Pair of Meissen Figures of the Lemon and Pastry Sellers, Circa 1745
A Fine and Rare Pair of Meissen Pug Dogs, naturalistically modelled by J.J. Kaendler and Peter Reinicke, Circa 1745
A Fine Pair of Meissen Canaries, modelled by J J Kaendler, Circa 1745
A Meissen Botanical Teapot & Cover of elegant ogee form, Circa 1745
A Meissen Tobacco Jar and Cover probably Painted by J.G.Nitzschner, Circa 1745
A rare Meissen Cream Jug & Cover, Circa 1745
A Rare Meissen Ornithological Bowl, Cover and Stand, with English Songbirds taken from Eleazar Albin, A Natural History of Birds, volume one , Circa 1745
A very rare Chantilly Sugar Box and Cover in the form of a Partridge, Circa 1745
A Very Rare Pair of Meissen Figures of Danish Pug Dogs, Circa 1745
An Extremely Fine and Rare Early Meissen, Silver Gilt Mounted, Covered Water or Wine Ewer, modelled by J.G. Ehder, Circa 1745
Hannoversh-Munden Quail Tureens and Covers, Circa 1745
Meissen Porcelain Models of Leverets modelled by J.J. Kaendler, CIrca 1745
Fine Meissen Ewer, Circa 1740–1745
A rare Meissen Tea Caddy and Cover depicting Mining subjects, Circa 1740.
A pair of Meissen botanical plates painted with radishes and brassica in the manner of the “Bruhlsche Allerlei” service, Circa 1740-45
A very rare pair of Meissen porcelain Gold Finches modelled by J J Kaendler, Circa 1740-45
Meissen botanical plate painted with a turnip in the manner of the “Bruhlsche Allerlei” service, Circa 1740-45
A Fine and Rare Saint Cloud Silver-Mounted Snuff Box and Cover in the Form of a Reclining Shepherd, Circa 1740
A Fine and Very Rare Saint Cloud Gilt-Metal Mounted Snuff Box and Cover in the Form of a Reclining Shepherdess, Circa 1740
A Rare Pair of Meissen South American Parrots , Circa 1740
A Very Rare Meissen Kingfisher, Circa 1740
An extremely rare and highly important pair of Chantilly combined Figural and Animal Models, Circa 1740
An extremely rare Meissen Cat modelled by J.J.Kaendler, circa 1740
An extremely rare Mennecy small sized Patch Box, Circa 1740
An extremely rare pair of Meissen models of reclining Cats., Circa 1740
Meissen Models of Bears, Circa 1740
Pair of Meissen Cats modelled by J.J. Kaendler, Circa 1740
Rare Mennecy sucrier and cover, Circa 1740
A very rare Meissen Twin Handled Ecuelle, Cover and Stand, Circa 1738-40
A rare pair of Meissen Fisherfolk Modelled by J.J.Kaendler, Circa 1738
An extremely rare oval Meissen Portrait Medallion Augustus III, Circa 1737
A very fine and rare Meissen Rooster Teapot and Cover, Circa 1735-40
Pair of Meissen figures of Wagtails modelled by Johann Gottlieb Kirchner and J.G. Ehder, Circa 1735-40
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