Rare Chaffers Liverpool Sauceboat, Circa 1757
Length: 6 ¾ ins. (17 cms.)
Item No. 1339
A very rare and unusual Chaffers Liverpool Sauceboat, of silver shape with scrolled handle, moulded in crisp high relief with sprays of roses, hyacinths and auriculas and picked out in...
A very rare and unusual Chaffers Liverpool Sauceboat, of silver shape with scrolled handle, moulded in crisp high relief with sprays of roses, hyacinths and auriculas and picked out in bright colours, beneath a rococo scrolled rim, the interior painted with a spray of oriental flowers, within an iron red loop, line and dotted border. Whilst this model is found but rarely decorated in blue, this is an extremely unusual example painted in colours. The mix of European moulded floral decoration on the outside is juxtaposed with oriental painted floral sprays to the interior, making this a highly unusual sauceboat.